About Us
The Resource Center on Domestic Violence: Child Protection and Custody (Resource Center) is a project of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. Since 1993, the Resource Center has provided training and technical assistance to advocates, professionals, and communities seeking to improve outcomes in child protection and custody cases that involve domestic violence, while also leading policy reform in those areas.
The Resource Center operates an 800-line for survivors and professionals seeking information, referrals, research, and support. In addition, the Resource Center supports and coordinates policy- and practice-focused meetings, trainings, and publications which lead the field in developing evidence-building and evidence-based practice, as well as interventions which are safe and supportive of families.
In addition to educational programming and policy-focused collaborations, staff and Resource Center consultants (policy analysts, attorneys, and nationally renowned experts) can conduct research and provide analyses on social science and evidence-based practice, model court processes, as well as provide individualized consultation on training content.
Finally, the Resource Center maintains a lending library of books, videos, curricula, bench tools, policy manuals, and other publications for its constituents.
Please call (800) 527-3223 or email fvdinfo@ncjfcj.org for additional information or assistance.
The Resource Center operates an 800-line for survivors and professionals seeking information, referrals, research, and support. In addition, the Resource Center supports and coordinates policy- and practice-focused meetings, trainings, and publications which lead the field in developing evidence-building and evidence-based practice, as well as interventions which are safe and supportive of families.
In addition to educational programming and policy-focused collaborations, staff and Resource Center consultants (policy analysts, attorneys, and nationally renowned experts) can conduct research and provide analyses on social science and evidence-based practice, model court processes, as well as provide individualized consultation on training content.
Finally, the Resource Center maintains a lending library of books, videos, curricula, bench tools, policy manuals, and other publications for its constituents.
Please call (800) 527-3223 or email fvdinfo@ncjfcj.org for additional information or assistance.